Saturday, December 19, 2015

Batman V Superman

i watched the trailer for +Batman News  and i was not impressed first off i do not believe +Ben Aflek was the right choice neither was the choice for +Superman  they  both do not embody the characters well it just is not working look  they do not have a history affiliating themselves with +DC Entertainment i mean Ben i am guessing has never even picked up a comic book let alone seen one so God what possessed these guys to do this is insanity i mean you got it right with the casting of +Suicide Squad i mean @jared letto is a genius choice but come on really this is too much now i should have stated that i am a die hard +Marvel Entertainment  fan but still enjoy the occasional crosover to +DC Entertainment so please oh please oh please do not let me down because if so there will be another post about how bad the movie was

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Apocalypse is coming

the end is here well not yet the end will come on may 27 +X-Men Movies  will release @apocalypse on to the earth it  seems this movie is somewhat promising +james macavoy will revive his roll as @drxavier and  all of those mutants we have come to know and love the trailer itself is epic but come on an Egyptian god slash mutant where the hell was this i mean it took you long enough @marvelcomics   instead of wasting our time with a time travel movie which by the way was told wrong you could have subtly hinted that there was this all knowing mutant stronger than dr x himself instead of hunting down trask and all of that yes i know i am ranting but hell would you not do the same when these amazing characters are being butchered and besides i expected you guys to make another wolverine  movie before dropping this bombshell on us anyway truly i hope you like  the trailer and judge for yourselves

Thursday, December 3, 2015

arrow and flash crossover

the two part special on +The CW Television Network  was more than perfect i mean you had +Team Arrow  and +Team Flash Officiel it had +Barry Allen  and +Oliver Queen team up with earth two's harrison wells they all came together hell even +Malcom Merlyn helped to beat @vandell savage and the introduction of +Hawk Girl this episode is the perfect merger of love violence and oh +Oliver Queen  son i loved that i mean is he going to become part of the show just saying he should and oliver should definitley tell him that he is his dad he has every right to know oliver is ready for it and it seems like +Team Arrow is now stronger than ever