Sunday, January 31, 2016

Grease live

 DWell I am fairly familiar with this musical because it is one of my favorite musicals of all time first off there weren't that many black characters in the original cast second I have mentioned this before in my post regarding the wiz why does race play a big role in everything I mean political statmentscbrlong on Kickstarter cnn msnbc hell even Fox News so tell me people is it still grease if they have changed the essence of it ? Just saying art is art for a reason it's made to be appreciated by everyone not just black or white or yellow or whoever however the Danny Zucco character was portrayed accurately down to the eyebrow lift so at least there was something good in this production so in general great production by musical theatre veterans and well I enjoy seeing the guy from glee back after being on Broadway in never land

Saturday, January 30, 2016

@deadpool trailer

we have been waiting for this for so long i mean i thought +Deadpool  was pretty edgy when he first appeared in @wolverine but now more than ever +Ryan Renolds has brought back this character i just need someone to explain something to me is this dead pool the same dead pool or a different one i would like an explanation

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

You gotta love the devil

So I just finished watching @lucifer and I have not loved the devil so much since mark peligrinno on @supernatural it is just so bad ass and amazing this show will live longer than I thought do watch it 

The x files review

I went into this will be for the best I mean The X-Files your back but so is the NFL and does not appear mean you DVR and event you suspected to record I don't watch the NFL match I don't understand football but it to you was annoying having to face or through all that know some people actually miss the show due to the NFL because he had his report on the DVR and did not think about it and luckily I was one of the lucky ones and I gotta tell you it was nice seeing them again you should watch it too 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

legends of tomorrow review

the ever growing +DC Entertainment universe has unleashed +Legends of Tomorrow CW TV Series  upon us to be hones i was psyched i mean just the hype alone of the team is intense there is the atom the white canary just to name a few it seems like this show was going to live up to its name being legendary and all but it seems the people at +DC Entertainment  only want to mess with us their loyal fan base by starting off the show with a quite boring pilot but who cares some shows stay on air for ages even if the pilot sucks i guess they were just giving us a taste of what is to come anyway it seems promising and i hope for it to be as if not more successful as +Arrow [The CW TV Series]  and +The Flash CW TV Series

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


My god it's been so long since I heard that name well it seems that @benstiller and @owen Wilson will be returning as the ever so handsome zoo lander and hansel I don't personally know what @justin bieber is doing in anything anymore isn't he like so 2008 besides he is not an actor or am I missing the possibly existent sex tape he made with one of the kardashians anyway it looks like Ben stiller clearly lost a bet because he does not need a gimmick in order to make his movie successful

the x files

this is unfrikin believable after waiting and waiting for years since the last +XFiles movie i thought it was over but then my intrest peaked when i saw the revival of all the other shows like +Heroes in a way it was an omen that all the nerdy classics would be back i am looking forward to @david duchovony and @gillian anderson please oh please oh please i can not stress this enough do not mess this up imagine an +Angry Cat  emoji the  creators of the show came before their time meaning if this show had been made now days they would have had a lot better effects now rewatching it on +Netflix US & Canada i noticed uncanny similarities between this classic and @fringe now there are some original storylines in @fringe but still anyway back to the subject the +XFiles is an iconic show for genarations lets not ruin it not that you ruined it both movies fine the second one was rip off of one of season 1 episodes but no matter let this be your shot for redemption with the most of sincere wishes from us all here at @youshouldseewhatisee make the best season of one of your best shows ever

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The wiz live

So I recorded the @thewiz that aired on New Year's Day and well I am not impressed first off leave race in politics but an all black cast really I mean I would have understood if it was an all black cast that was actually talented yet they chose the least talented group of African Americans now I am not a racist I just do not see black when I I think of @thewiz why do you have to play the race card with everything I mean the president people please I beg of you just stop why do the arts have to suffer first the presidency now this I wish I didn't see what i saw